Nov 29, 2012


I'm bad at this....

I know I know.. It's been, what, 3 months since my last post!? Oops!

Anyhoo, this Fall has been a whirlwind (physically and emotionally!) God has really put us through things we didn't think we would... or would yet... but we are trusting in Him and His plan!

Do I want to teach...? That has been the question all semester! This new job has REALLY tested me and beaten me down pretty good. On the upside, my team has been super supportive and encouraging and SUCH a blessing! I don't know how we would all still be at that school without each other.

The Holidays are upon us... Thanksgiving was WONDERFUL... and the tree(s) are up and lit! Oh I love this Season!!! I can't wait to have 2weeks with my hubby and with our families!