Jul 29, 2016

2 Months

You are two months old Sweet Adeline! You are so smiley, starting to "talk" to us, and wiggle around so much! You enjoy shopping trips with your mommy, and love Sunday (pre-church) mornings with Daddy. You have done two days with your babysitter and did so good!! You are starting to drink your bottles (finally) and even enjoy a paci every now and then. Mommy was sad to put up your newborn clothes, but she still loves playing dress up with the next size! Daddy loves trying to match bows with your outfit. He sure is smitten with you and all the cuteness you bring!
Here are some picture from your second month. We love you. 

Jul 17, 2016

5 Years

Happy Anniversary to my hubby!
It's been 5 years since we said "I Do" in the scorching metroplex summer heat. 
(Worth every drop of sweat)
This past year was full of its ups and downs. A new home, the excitement of a new babe, the sorrow and loss of a wonderful man, and the birth of that sweet babe. I wouldn't trade who to go through those ups and downs with at all! 

For our anniversary, the hubs had our day planned. We went and layed in mattresses and got a new one (yay us!), went to Target (twice!), enjoyed our sweet girl, and went out to eat just the two of us  (mom only cried once)! I can't wait to see what life gives us this next year!